EDF Pulse & You teste pendant 2 mois pour ses clients internationaux anglophones un assistant personnel hybride, WIIDII. Cet espace leur est donc proposé avec un accès privilégié ! Nous ne manquerons pas de revenir vers vous pour vous faire partager leur expérience au quotidien avec Wiidii !
You have reached EDF English Speaking Customer Service to set up your energy account and we are very pleased to welcome you. As it is very important for us that you feel good and comfortable, we have decided to let you enjoy a new very helpful companion: WIIDII*.
You are exclusively invited to use this opportunity and freely download of Wiidii, a hybrid personal assistant app. This offer is available by invitation only until 31st December 2016.
Share your opinion about Wiidii!
Your answers are very important to us. We will be able to identify the most useful services for you. By giving your opinion, you will have the chance to win rewards.
To participate and to win one of our rewards:
- Among the range of services that Wiidii proposed you, which ones were the most useful and the most efficient for you? Which ones would you like to have in your relations with EDF?
- Answer the questions of the survey "your point of view" on the right side of the website.
- Add comments and vote for the point of view that you agree with.
Express yourself! If your ideas are relevant, you will have plenty of votes in the community. The more you vote, the more chances you have to win a prize.
* You will find more information about this new service on tab « MORE ABOUT WIIDII »
EDF Pulse and You Team
See what Wiidii can do for you: Wiidii is a real-time secure service in one easy-to-use app. It combines a team of human assistants and an artificial intelligence in order to better answer your requests. You can ask anything to Wiidii every day from 9:00am until 11:00pm (Paris, GMT +2). Wiidii is available in French, English and Chinese. Wiidii will help you make appointments, bookings, will send you reminders, help you find electricians, entertainment and more. Best of all, it is free with your unique code. |
Have a great trial!
If you want to know more about wiidii : Wiidii blog

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